Monday, August 17, 2009

Some thoughts on things

The inevitable decline in post frequency happened much quicker than I had assumed it would... such is the way of things.

Part of the issue is that there is very little good TV on. Another part of the issue is that I can't help but feel that keeping a note-pad with me to write down witty thoughts for a blog nobody reads while I watch TV with my girlfriend would make me a huge douche-bag.

As such, for the time being, I feel like there's going to be a lot of blogging about nothing in particular.In that spirit, we move forward! TV!;

First off, I'm tickled by the return of Hell's Kitchen. So much anger! So much smoking! At this point I'm convinced that all chefs listen to Kid Rock, Smoke two packs a day, and have decals on their car/truck of Calvin peeing on either "tweekers" or a NASCAR car number. Does this make me classist? Yes. Yes it does... but this isn't about me, it's about the fact that this season of Hell's Kitchen features Whoopi Goldberg and the return of Ralphie (is that really his name? I feel like I might be making that up. Also, what's the over/under on how many episodes he lasts before causing or experiencing a serious medical problem? Does this make me a fattist?). Also, this week we get a special guest of honor... that special guest of honor?!? Some lady!!! That's right, the special guest is no one in particular. Her husband appears to be a marine(?) but other than that, she has no specific characteristic that separates her from anyone else. Let's make her some dinner! Last thing before I move on; apparently next week Whoopi tells chef Ramsey that he's "Crap"! I'm on the edge of my seat!

I love reality TV... and reality TV loves people in the military. Really... they love doing whatever it is their show does for people in the military. Because they're heroes. And there's a lot of them. Design Star this week takes on the living-room of two military families. One of them has a father abroad, and the other one likes video games. I have nothing else to say about this week's episode as I haven't finished it yet, but I can -with confidence- say that this show is fantastic! Three things to watch for 1) The guy doing his best "Will Ferrel as a slightly overweight ambiguously gay man" impression 2) The guy from Jersey (I don't know when it happened, but approximately 1/3 of the population is now from Jersey. It's know in the scientific comunity as the the "Red Sox Fan phenomenon") 3) The ridiculous product placement -in fact, this is commonplace throughout HGTV, and consistently awkward throughout HGTV... well worth any time you put into it. One more important point about this, and this applies to "Toddlers in Tiaras" too -also highly recommended- as this show is on a cable channel, it is much more respectable than any similar show on network TV -Case in point Hell's Kitchen v. Top Chef.
A couple notes on recent movies:
- District 9 is fantastic! Contains no disappointment... FAN-Tastic!- So I know I'm the last horse to cross the finish line on this one, but I saw Marley and Me last night, or at least a good portion of it... so there's a part in the middle that's -seriously- like 10 minutes of Owen Wilson speaking in sentence fragments over a montage of their life with the dog... It's like the film was originally an hour and 45 minutes too long, and to deal with this they took a two hour chunk of the movie, made it into a montage and had Owen Wilson narrate it... but then the movie was still 35 minutes too long, so they cut the first half of every sentence of Owen's narration. Too far fetched? I challenge you to watch the movie again with my theory in mind, it's the only answer that makes any sense!
Also, I get these Wiki-how's on my home page for just such occasions as this; This one should be titled "How to be make choices your grandparents would be ashamed of" or "How to become the punchline of an amusing anecdote":

1 comment:

  1. I believe the "Marley and Me" post deserves an addendum that covers the absurdity of the necklace in the grave. I think you should also admit that you cried at the end. I wouldn't want your reading public to think you're too cold-hearted.
