Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Dating in the Dark take 2

Hello reader,

I'm probably being overly confident with "reader". Truth is, I'm probably the only one reading this. Do I count as a reader while I'm reading or will I always be the writer? If it has been determined that while reading I am a reader and not always the writer, and I'm the only one reading, am I a reader or am I the reader? If I am the only one reading, is there any point to putting my thoughts down in writing, or should I just think them? If I'm not the only one reading, is there any point to putting my thoughts down in writing? Who am I asking these questions to if I expect no one to read this?

Also, I'm pretty sure the girlfriend will read it, she's very supportive, and attractive. Speaking of attractiveness, let's talk about Dating in the Dark!

This is my second go at watching this show. The experience was similar to my second time through Toddlers and Tiaras -I didn't blog about that show, but I mentioned it a couple of times- and similar to my second time watching Event Horizon; Once you're past the shock that someone would actually create it, the whole thing rings a little hollow. It also might be possible that both this weeks episode of Dating in the Dark and this weeks episode of Toddlers and Tiaras were sub-par. That might be it, might not. We won't know until next week. Regardless, there's no point sitting here and treading water. Time to blog!

Last weeks episode of Dating in the Dark brought on a police sketch artist to sketch what each side thought of the others. This weeks episode had a former FBI profiler -who had worked on the Timothy McVay case and other cases that were confidential. (translation: he only did the one case... he wasn't very good- how else do you end up on Dating in the Dark?) His best line of this show; "She describes herself as hot-tempered and blames it on her ethnicity". You see, she's Italian. Which, of course translates in the realm of normal people as "White". She -Suzy (made up name)- was a lot of fun though. Let's talk about her for a minute. Suzy was this week's "I need someone with a strong personality because I have a strong personality" woman. Except in her case it was "I need someone with a strong personality because I'm Italian". And was she ever! She's really only Italian in that people of Italian heritage tend to be Caucasian... and she is too. Italian or not, Suzy was popular with the guys. I think it was mostly luck of the draw -I'm imagining that this is the case the majority of the time that you put 6 people willing to date on TV in a room together with the lights off. The first guy Suzy had a date with was Dave (yup, made up name). Dave and Suzy hit it off. They were way into each other. Then Suzy found out that the white t-shirt Dave had slept in the night before had -brace yourself- pit stains!!!!! OMG!!!!! Conversely, the guys were way into the fact that Suzy's pajamas were small. Suzy wasn't so much. She also wasn't her advertised age, I'm sure of that. Anyway, the point is this; she's on a TV dating show, if pit stains on a slept-in t-shirt are as bad as it gets for this guy, he's freaking Tom Selick! (yuh huh). Anyway, after the pit stain debacle, she decided she liked Ramone (not his real name) so they met in the dark room, and Ramone had decided that he was too bashful with the ladies -side note: I'm legitimately worried that the girlfriend would leave me for this guy. She was oohing and awing over him like he was Tom Selick! He really was quite sweet, though. I might even leave me for him... or Tom Selick. So Ramone decides he's been too bashful with the ladies and plants one on Suzy. Well, Ramone is a great kisser and we know this because Suzy said so, and kissing is very important to Suzy. Because she's Italian. So then Ramone kissed someone else and Suzy got way jealous (because she's Italian) and kissed Pit-Stain guy... what did I call him? Dave! So Suzy kissed Dave, and Dave's a great kisser too! So now Suzy doesn't know what to do! Because she's Italian. Ultimately she chooses Dave, gets disappointed when she sees him (he was scruffy, and had a round face!) and leaves his ass sitting on the balcony alone. Sad times.

Also there were a few other people. Ramone didn't get his date, poor Ramone. I'm pretty sure she didn't like him because he wasn't white. The other two people got together, I was a big fan of her, Raeann (not real). But there was something funny about him, Jason (also not real). Raeann thought Jason was way hot, but he wasn't really attractive at all, maybe it was the camera angle. I don't know. Maybe faux-hawks with obviously died gray highlights are what the kids are into (seriously, I'm positive that this guy died his hair gray... positive).

I don't really know what to tell you about this show. I don't see it becoming a long-running series. Even by Fox reality show standards. Regardless, the important thing is that I think we learned something here today: There's only one Tom Selick.

Tomorrow: Hell's Kitchen!


  1. Can we quit with the talk about me leaving you for a middle school music teacher who used to be in the military and is most likely gay?

    Also, I'm disappointed that you did not mention Suzy's nonsensical indignation at being Ramone's "sloppy seconds," even though he kissed her first.

    To add my two cents on the "reader" dilemma -- you are not "the" reader and never can be, since you're "the writer" -- I'm "a" reader, and quite possibly "the only" reader.

    Otherwise, excellent blogging. I look forward to Hell's Kitchen and More to Love.

  2. Ah yes, the "sloppy seconds" comment was fantastic! I also left out the part about unnamed girl throwing the chocolate heart at Suzy's head and Suzy flipping out. Good stuff!

  3. You have avid readers kid - keep it up! p.s. i would leave my guy for tom selleck too.
