Wednesday, October 28, 2009

One more thing

Does anyone else miss Gordo?

Three things I have to say... one of them is a waste of your time.

Ok, I only have three things to briefly riff on today;

One. this:

I literally have nothing to say about this. I'm just glad it exists.

Number two: I have to post an official retraction/update to my post yesterday. The Girlfriend is in no way anything like Manga nerds. Manga nerds are all like "ooh, look at the newest Japanese thing that's come out of Japan, I'm in poor shape and I have bad skin" whereas the girlfriend's all "I'm way hot, and the best girlfriend the world has ever known. Also, I like the BBC"... See, there's no similarity and the fact that I indicated that there might be a similarity was nothing short of irresponsible.

Third and last: So You Think You Can Dance is fascinating to me. I know nothing about dancing, like not even a little bit, and I suspect that at least 75% of the viewership of this show is in the same situation. Why is it then that The Girlfriend and I sit in front of the TV commenting on the quality of the dance performance being presented to us? Why is the rest of the 75% of unknowledgable viewership doing the same thing? Honestly I can't say. I think it might have something to do with consumerism and the constant stream of information thrown at us. Something about the erosion of our ability to not have a strong opinion about anything. Also, maybe I'm the only one with that issue, and The Girlfriend's just along for the ride. Doesn't matter, watch the clip again, buy some VitaminWater.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I'm gonna drop a little 14th Century knowledge on ya. Also, the BBC has low standards. And Brits don't take care of their teeth, I hear.

Wow, so I haven't written a blog since early in the 14th century. Seriously. I'm pretty sure I remember being excommunicated by Pope Clement V for blasphemous writings in my last entry. Seriously. The Hundred Years' War has begun and ended since my last entry. Seriously. The Black Death has killed off a 3rd of Europe since I last graced the electronic "pages" of this fair blog. Norway Sweden and Denmark were united into one kingdom since I last flapped my fingers against my keyboard in an attempt to contribute something useful to the Internet.

Nah, I kid, I'm not trying to contribute anything useful to the Internet. So here's the deal, I've got hundreds -literally hundreds- of excuses to why I haven't posted in so long, the strongest of which is that I've been too busy at work, which is where I post. The excuse that I'm going to use, however, is that I was taken prisoner by native peoples of the Amazon basin, tied to a stake and prepared as a meal. Luckily I escaped... the details of my escape are too crazy to recount here, but I assure you, they were details.

As this is a blog about TV, or TB, or the illusion of TB, I probably aught to talk a little about my subject matter. Speaking of matter, my cat brought a dead bird into the house yesterday. Here's the thing: My cat is not a model of feline fitness. But the bird -while totally dead- was actually bleeding on the floor. Which leads me to believe that he didn't find the bird but actually caught the bird. I just don't get it, I'm pretty sure he couldn't outrun me at this point.

Speaking of dead things, I watched a marathon of this show on BBC America this weekend -Side note: you know how there's those super nerdy comic book kids who are way too into Japan? The Girlfriend is like that with Britain, except she's not super nerdy or into comic books... and she's way hot. The point being; The Girlfriend loves her some BBC America, and despite the fact that she is one super supportive lady, I'm pretty sure a fair amount of her agreeing to watch the show I've failed to talk about thus far is that it was on the BBC.

So you've got these three twenty something roommates (flatmates)... only here's the catch, one's a vampire, one's a werewolf and one's the ghost of the late girlfriend of the landlord... Whoohoo and wackiness ensues! No, not really. The best thing about this show -and despite the fact that we recorded all the episodes, we only watched the one- the best thing about the show is the myriad questions it unearths. Questions like; "Wait, so they're roommates?" and "Ok, I get the vampire and werewolf, but does the ghost really need to rent an apartment, also, how come she's all solid like the rest of them?" and also "So, there's a ghost, and a werewolf, and a vampire? And they managed to find each other to rent a flat together?" and finally "So can you like apply online to produce a show on the BBC? Is there even an application process?"... except you have to say process funny... you know, cus it's British.

Also, it's called "Being Human" or something along those lines. Also all Brit bashing aside (I'm really just worried that The Girlfriend's going to leave me for some bloke with an accent) the show has promise. Stay tuned for further critiques.

Here's a trailer... turns out the ghost isn't all solid and crap, who'd have known?

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

I stand atop a pile of discarded blog material, and hold out to you my crowning acheivement: a 14.8 billion word Hell's Kitchen Finale blog

At this point, I'm blogging about as often as something unprecedented happens in Hell's Kitchen. Which is to say, about once a week. I'm sorry, I wish I could have come up with something a little funnier, used a little more hyperbole, but I didn't and there's no going back now. There. Is. No. Going. Back. Now.

And there it is, my opening paragraph. So, Didja watch Hell’s Kitchen last night? Didja? Because I did, and I’m going to blog about it… and here’s the thing; it was the final episode, so I’m going to tell you who won…. I think they call that a “spoiler”, but I’m going to call it “I’m going to tell you who won”. Yes, I’m stalling. I’m leaving time for the slower of you to decide whether you watched Hell’s Kitchen last night, and then whether you want me to tell you who won –In truth, this is completely wasted time since I think The Girlfriend and the Pissed Off Line Cook are the only people reading. First off, I don’t think POLC watches the show, and I know The Girlfriend watched it because we watched it together. Also she’s way smarter than me, so she wouldn’t need any extra time to determine whether she wanted to keep reading or not regardless. More or less, I’m writing this crap because I haven’t blogged in like a week, I’m rusty, and I’m building up steam going into the next paragraph. So you can skip the previous paragraph, if you want. [Editor’s note: Yes, I edit my own blog, that doesn’t mean I can’t have editor’s notes- As I was saying –typing- Not only can you skip the previous paragraph, you can skip every other paragraph for the duration of this entry –it’s a long one.]

Well, Dave did it. It’s funny, I think I wrote in an earlier blog that I thought Dave had a learning disability (I may have decided against that obviously inflammatory comment, I don’t remember, the point is, I thought it). But the last couple of weeks, it’s been pretty obvious that if his hand didn’t fall off, he was going to win. At least that’s what I remember thinking now. I definitely remember reserving the right to change my story at any point due to the fact that this is my blog.

But I get ahead of myself. It was a two hour show and some other stuff happened. For example, the reward challenge at the beginning of the show was for each of the three (Ariel was still there) chefs to recreate a cuisine from a different culture. You know, because Whistler will host the 2010 winter Olympics -consequentially, our last winter Olympics as the world will end in December of 2012- and the Olympics involve people of many different cultures –Until December 2012, at which time we will be removed from the Earth by some sort of “space vacuum”. So, Gordo had three of those, things… you know, the silver plates, with the fancy tops… you know. Gordo brought out those fancy plates and had each of the chefs randomly pull the fancy top off the fancy plate to reveal a little flag and something else -really, I don’t remember what the other thing was. I’m not generalizing. I don’t remember- which would reveal which cuisine they’d be attempting to recreate. Ariel went first, because Gordo’s a English gentleman before all else, and got Chinese. Which spawned this exchange between The Girlfriend and I:

Me: “Is that Chinese food like Chinese food, or like Chinese food?”

TG: “That’s a good question”

My good question was never answered. Dave went second and got Indian food… predictable reaction from Dave (or anyone): “I’m F**ked”. I agree, not because Indian food is hard to cook, but because Dave’s a moron -or mostly a moron; he recognized that one of the challenges of creating food for Indian people was that not all meats are OK. However, after carefully considering this fact, he chose… wait for it… Pork. Yep. The only way Dave could have chosen a meat more likely to be forbidden by someone’s religion would be to choose human. But Dave went with pork, didn’t really seem to hurt him.

Kevin chose last. Kevin got Mexican. Really? Chinese, Indian, and Mexican? They could have gone with Chinese, Indian, and French Fries. Or Chinese, Indian, and Jell-o. So Kevin’s got it locked up, right? Well, luckily for those of us that think Kevin’s a douche-bag -namely anyone who doesn’t have a nurse or family member tuning their hospital room TVs to Hell’s Kitchen for them- Kevin forgot to put the Mole sauce on his dish –Side Note: I’m pretty sure Kevin’s dish was Cilantro Lime Tequila Rojo Mole Verde Chicken Poblano. Seriously, as he was describing it I took a power nap, thank God, because that’s the only way I could make it past my 10 o’clock bedtime to get all this in for you, my two readers.

As a surprise Gordo brought in chefs that specialize in each of the aforementioned cuisines (I guess that’s why they didn’t go with Jell-o), and those chefs determine who did the best job. Yawn. Dave won, which meant that he got to hang out with each of the chefs while they prepared their signature dishes for him. Also, we discovered during this bit that Kevin may be the only chef in Hell’s Kitchen history that doesn’t smoke. Interesting.

Dinner service was the annual “Can you run the kitchen?” service where Gordon calls each Chef up and has them run the kitchen. I think this is my favorite episode of the season. It’s predictable, someone always goes over the top, but it’s entertaining, because someone always goes over the top. This year, I was dead sure that Kevin would be the over the top chef, but he actually did a really good job, good enough for The Girlfriend to think he was going to win (didn’t work on me, I think Gordo’s been set on Dave for a couple of weeks). He caught all of the sabotage plates and had the kitchen running pretty well. Still, I knew that if there were a fair and just God, Kevin would not win. There is a fair and just God.

Anywho, it was, in fact Dave that did his best Gordon Ramsey impression. He was kicking the garbage can, whipping his towel around, it was one “This risotto is f**king delicious” away from “spot on”. Brits. Dave missed the sabotaged plates –note here: Ramsey’s sous chefs confuse me. Is there job better than the one these chefs are competing for? Are they barred from competition? What gives? Also… Sous Chef Fella (I don’t know his name, but he’s the dude) is hilarious when he tries to pretend that his sabotage tests were in fact accidents.

Ariel had a bit of trouble controlling the kitchen, and by “controlling the kitchen” I mean “Keep Dave from sabotaging her by pretending he can’t cook scallops” but other than that I thought she did OK. She caught one of her two sabotages in which Sous Chef Some-guy substituted Salmon for Sea Bass…. I’m pretty sure they’re drastically different colors… but it was under a bunch of stuff, so good on her!

Regardless, Ariel went home, leaving Kevin and Dave in the finals. For the first time that I can remember –This week! An unprecedented development in Hell’s Kitchen!!- For the first time, the two finalists didn’t spend any time “designing” their restaurants. Could be because the Araxi (is that the name? Does it matter?) already exists… I know this because the head chef at the Araxi was at the restaurant during the finals. I couldn’t be the only person to find this confusing, right? It’s pretty likely that Dave and Kevin’s response to the news that the “head chef” from Araxi was in the restaurant was something along the lines of “So… wait… Who’s out there?”… but I get off point. There was not restaurant design this season, only a menu design. Kevin went complicated, Dave went simple… in fact Gordo –in what was phrased like a compliment- called Dave's menu “pedestrian”. That couldn’t be a compliment, right? Does “pedestrian” mean something different in England? Anyway, I don’t remember what he said about Kevin’s. I’m not sure it matters.

I just realized that this blog is running up around 1.3 million words. That's a lot. I'll sum up: So Dave wins based on comment cards. Robert's a douche. And Whoopi is mysteriously absent. Bummer.

One more thought before I go; At the end of hell's Kitchen, they both stand in front of a door leading to the balcony above the restaurant where all their friends and family are. Gordo counts to 3 and they both try to open and walk through their respective doors, only one doesn't open. Is there a more humiliating winner announcement in all of Reality TV land? When you loose in Hell’s Kitchen 4 things happen in very quick succession:

1. You try to walk through a locked door. This is heartbreaking in any situation.

2. You realize you’ve lost Hell’s Kitchen to a man with one arm

3. You have to continue to stand behind your door while aforementioned one armed man stands just on the other side receiving the adulation of his friends and family

4. You get consoled by Gordon Ramsey.

Is there a more spirit crushing loss in TV land? I don’t think so.
Until 3 weeks from Tuesday… stay classy, POLC and The Girlfriend.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Like Peanut Butter and Jelly

Apparently The Pianist was just a springboard;

I've been predicting this since Angels in the Outfield (Yeah he was in it... look it up!)

Back from the Flu! Again!


Centuries have passed since I last blogged... see, I've been sick. like way sick. Like so sick I didn't even think about doing a blog until yesterday, but then I got lazy and didn't do it, which is a shame because Hell's Kitchen on Tuesday night was great! I think I had all sorts of witty comments about it, but again, I was way sick, so it could have been like the night after drinking -if you're prone to this type of behavior... not me, I tend to wake up thinking I must have said something stupid. But I imagine some people wake up thinking that they were comic geniuses the night before, when they clearly weren't. Myself? That's part of my everyday experience.

I'm not going to try to go back and recapture the imaginary gold I left on the couch Tuesday night (that could be read wrong... in fact, I don't think there's a way it could be read right. I'm leaving it in.) And I'm not going to try to recount the 65% of last night's Glee that I watched. I will say two things though (one per show).

Hell's Kitchen- I'm going to say more than one thing about this show; It's occurred to me that I totally look forward to Hell's Kitchen every week, and it's almost over. That's sad. Also, RIP Whoopi. I was sad to see her go, I'm in Dave's camp now. That guy's a trooper. I'm hoping it will be him and Ariel in the finals, though I'm not sure how they would kick Kevin out... maybe he'll be exposed as a weasel now that there's only two other chefs.

Glee- Sue is GOLD in this episode! Definitely one of the funnier characters on TV right now.

Which brings me to the body of this blog. I just got done having a texting conversation with my boy Mikey of pissed of cook... uhh... well, not fame per say, but he writes the pissed off cook blog. Anywho, we were discussing our top 5 TV people -I'm positive there's a more elegant way to say that, but unless I fix it in the editing phase of my blog -yeah, I actually edit this tangled mass of tangents- we'll blame it on the lingering flu. We were listing off our top 5 TV personalities fictional or otherwise, and I thought "this is a good idea for my blog". So that's what I'm doing. I've decided to remove order from the list (unless I come back and fix this later) and stretch it to 10.

And, with no further ado, my top 10 TV personalities:

1. Tim Gun, Host of Project Runway
All right, I'll say it, the show sucks. I've never watched a season of it before, so I have no comparison, but I hear it's worse than it used to be, and I'm not at all shocked by that. The one bright spot? Tim Gun. If I could choose a pair of gay fathers, it would be Tim Gun and... Oh, I don't know, Burt Reynolds or something.

2. Steve from Ghost Hunters.
Look, unless you suck it up and watch some Ghost Hunters, I've got nothing else to say about this. -I'll admit, I'm a little thrown off by the aggressiveness of that first sentence, especially because I know that 75% of my readers (namely, The Girlfriend -I'm not sure how that percentage comes out that way either) watches this show. So Steve and this guy -Dave Tango- are Ghost Hunters' answer to Rosencrantz and Guildenstern... or Brian and Stewie, Penn and Teller, Lavern and Shirley, Balkie and Cousin Larry, etc... They're the buddy comedy/comic relief duo of the show. Tango is nothing, he could be a bear in person pants, wouldn't make a difference. But Steve? Steve is great! If I could have Steve incorrectly recap everything story anyone tells me, my life would be infinitely more entertaining.

3. Cat Deeley, hostess of So You Think You Can Dance. We've been through this, she's a delightful 8 ft tall Australian woman. I have nothing else to say about that. Except that her delightfullness is but an extinguished match held up against the light of the Sun that is The Girlfriend's delightfulness.

4. -We may drop this down to 5, I feel like I've been typing forever

4. Barney on How I Met Your Mother.
Ably played by Neil Patrick Harris. I don't have much more to say about this character. I think he's more enjoyable if you've watched from the beginning, but I don't know that he's not enjoyable if you haven't. Also, he may be more enjoyable because he's playing next to Ted (I don't know who plays Ted... don't care) who is actually more of an insufferable shoe-gazer than Zach Braff.

5. -Yup, stopping at 5, I still have to edit this crap.

5. Alton Brown of Good Eats.
I've been watching a lot of Good Eats lately. See, I was sick. sick so I knew I'd be spending most of my time in front of the TV these last couple days. As a result I recorded anything and everything that I thought I'd be even mildly interested in watching. Thus, I recorded every episode of Good Eats I could find. Anyway, Alton's appeal can be summed up best by the following quote from The Girlfriend; "It's a cooking show for smart people!" and it is. If you have any interest in cooking or watching people cook, do yourself a favor and watch an episode of this.

Just for poops and giggles, the next 5 without explanation

6. Michael Scott -The Office
7. Jay -Ghost Hunters
8. Sue -Glee
9. Jeff Probst -Survivor
10. Gord-O -Hell's Kitchen

Now that I've made the list and read back over it. It's crap, don't put any stock in it. I've been reading "High Fidelity" there's a lot of lists, my brain eats that and regurgitates it as this crap. Whoo! Lists!

Anyway, I'm glad I'm back to the blog. Now I'm going away for the weekend. Will I write a blog on The Girlfriend's laptop from Oregon? Doubtful.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Exciting news about Flavor Flav! Oh, also, I watched Glee!

I can't breathe, too many jokes:

I might have blacked out for a minute... Whoo, but seriously, is there a high school in America that would allow Flavor Flav to enter as a junior? I want to believe that this show would follow Flav as he studied for the GED. I want to believe that.

OK, on to Glee.

I spent a majority of the show last night wondering where I knew the guest actress from. I spent a majority of this morning wondering if she was, in fact, a guest actress. OK, not the case, I've been awake for three hours, it would be absurd if I had spent in excess of 90 minutes thinking about Kristin Chenowith's future with Glee. I did arrive at where I know her from, though. She played Olive on Pushing Daisies -Appropriate side note: Some line cook recently made fun of me by saying, in a round about way, that I was "a straight guy that writes about gay TV shows". I didn't get it as a dig at first, I was encouraged by the fact that he described me as a "straight guy".

So Glee got a guest star this week. If my predictions are correct -and let's be honest, I'm pretty good at predicting this crap -and let's be honest about that; it's a sad thing- If my predictions are correct, Kristin (April Rhodes on the show) will be around at least one more week. More on that later... or I'll completely abandon it and never mention it again... it's equal odds either way, really.

This week wasn't that great. There was a glaring lack of Kurt and Sue. Something about their characters tips the show just that little extra bit over the top, without them the show is dangerously subtle. They help frame the satire. In both cases though, their brief moments stood out.

Kurt: While she was trying to befriend every member of Glee, April won Kurt's affection by giving him her "vintage muscle magazines" and telling him that a little drink before school every day would give him the confidence to be himself. When April's proverbial house of cards is starting to fall, Kurt shows up looking like he woke up in a gutter outside an LA night-club in 1986.

Sue: Rachel goes looking for Sue to lodge a complaint about the musical. She finds Sue nonchalantly walking down the hall taking down fliers. As she pulls the last one down we see that they're fliers encouraging kids to join Glee. Rachel tells Sue that she would like to return to the musical, but that "changes need to be made" Sue responds: "Rachel, I couldn't agree more. When I heard sandy wanted to write himself into a scene as Queen Cleopatra I was aroused then furious."

I'll watch next week hoping for more Sue and more Kurt. As far as April goes, I'm never one to rally against trashy, wine-swilling, horse tranquilizer eating, empty house squatting middle aged women going back to finish high school (wow, I just caught the connection to Flavor Flav... I'm clearly doing all of this by accident). But her character fell flat for me, I just didn't like her. She was too self absorbed, too reckless, just generally too much.

As for my teaser of a prediction; this time I'm going to deliver. The show featured a split screen duet of April and Rachel doing a song from Cabaret. April was clearly more Broadway in her singing, and the duet was shortly followed by the director of the play (Ned Ryerson from Groundhog Day)

Anyway Ned Ryerson -Ned Ryerson in Groundhog day, Sandy Ryerson in Glee. I'm sure there's something to that, but someone else can figure it out. So Ned -Sandy- tells Rachel that he needs someone with more life experience, yadda yadda yadda basically describing April. Of course, as I discussed in Sue's best scene, Rachel takes over direction from Sandy at the end of the episode, but she also rejoins/saves Glee while replacing April. April still needs to finish high school. Do I think that April will end up in the musical? Yes I do.

Do I have anything else to say? Nope.