Thursday, October 1, 2009

Exciting news about Flavor Flav! Oh, also, I watched Glee!

I can't breathe, too many jokes:

I might have blacked out for a minute... Whoo, but seriously, is there a high school in America that would allow Flavor Flav to enter as a junior? I want to believe that this show would follow Flav as he studied for the GED. I want to believe that.

OK, on to Glee.

I spent a majority of the show last night wondering where I knew the guest actress from. I spent a majority of this morning wondering if she was, in fact, a guest actress. OK, not the case, I've been awake for three hours, it would be absurd if I had spent in excess of 90 minutes thinking about Kristin Chenowith's future with Glee. I did arrive at where I know her from, though. She played Olive on Pushing Daisies -Appropriate side note: Some line cook recently made fun of me by saying, in a round about way, that I was "a straight guy that writes about gay TV shows". I didn't get it as a dig at first, I was encouraged by the fact that he described me as a "straight guy".

So Glee got a guest star this week. If my predictions are correct -and let's be honest, I'm pretty good at predicting this crap -and let's be honest about that; it's a sad thing- If my predictions are correct, Kristin (April Rhodes on the show) will be around at least one more week. More on that later... or I'll completely abandon it and never mention it again... it's equal odds either way, really.

This week wasn't that great. There was a glaring lack of Kurt and Sue. Something about their characters tips the show just that little extra bit over the top, without them the show is dangerously subtle. They help frame the satire. In both cases though, their brief moments stood out.

Kurt: While she was trying to befriend every member of Glee, April won Kurt's affection by giving him her "vintage muscle magazines" and telling him that a little drink before school every day would give him the confidence to be himself. When April's proverbial house of cards is starting to fall, Kurt shows up looking like he woke up in a gutter outside an LA night-club in 1986.

Sue: Rachel goes looking for Sue to lodge a complaint about the musical. She finds Sue nonchalantly walking down the hall taking down fliers. As she pulls the last one down we see that they're fliers encouraging kids to join Glee. Rachel tells Sue that she would like to return to the musical, but that "changes need to be made" Sue responds: "Rachel, I couldn't agree more. When I heard sandy wanted to write himself into a scene as Queen Cleopatra I was aroused then furious."

I'll watch next week hoping for more Sue and more Kurt. As far as April goes, I'm never one to rally against trashy, wine-swilling, horse tranquilizer eating, empty house squatting middle aged women going back to finish high school (wow, I just caught the connection to Flavor Flav... I'm clearly doing all of this by accident). But her character fell flat for me, I just didn't like her. She was too self absorbed, too reckless, just generally too much.

As for my teaser of a prediction; this time I'm going to deliver. The show featured a split screen duet of April and Rachel doing a song from Cabaret. April was clearly more Broadway in her singing, and the duet was shortly followed by the director of the play (Ned Ryerson from Groundhog Day)

Anyway Ned Ryerson -Ned Ryerson in Groundhog day, Sandy Ryerson in Glee. I'm sure there's something to that, but someone else can figure it out. So Ned -Sandy- tells Rachel that he needs someone with more life experience, yadda yadda yadda basically describing April. Of course, as I discussed in Sue's best scene, Rachel takes over direction from Sandy at the end of the episode, but she also rejoins/saves Glee while replacing April. April still needs to finish high school. Do I think that April will end up in the musical? Yes I do.

Do I have anything else to say? Nope.

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