Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I'm gonna drop a little 14th Century knowledge on ya. Also, the BBC has low standards. And Brits don't take care of their teeth, I hear.

Wow, so I haven't written a blog since early in the 14th century. Seriously. I'm pretty sure I remember being excommunicated by Pope Clement V for blasphemous writings in my last entry. Seriously. The Hundred Years' War has begun and ended since my last entry. Seriously. The Black Death has killed off a 3rd of Europe since I last graced the electronic "pages" of this fair blog. Norway Sweden and Denmark were united into one kingdom since I last flapped my fingers against my keyboard in an attempt to contribute something useful to the Internet.

Nah, I kid, I'm not trying to contribute anything useful to the Internet. So here's the deal, I've got hundreds -literally hundreds- of excuses to why I haven't posted in so long, the strongest of which is that I've been too busy at work, which is where I post. The excuse that I'm going to use, however, is that I was taken prisoner by native peoples of the Amazon basin, tied to a stake and prepared as a meal. Luckily I escaped... the details of my escape are too crazy to recount here, but I assure you, they were details.

As this is a blog about TV, or TB, or the illusion of TB, I probably aught to talk a little about my subject matter. Speaking of matter, my cat brought a dead bird into the house yesterday. Here's the thing: My cat is not a model of feline fitness. But the bird -while totally dead- was actually bleeding on the floor. Which leads me to believe that he didn't find the bird but actually caught the bird. I just don't get it, I'm pretty sure he couldn't outrun me at this point.

Speaking of dead things, I watched a marathon of this show on BBC America this weekend -Side note: you know how there's those super nerdy comic book kids who are way too into Japan? The Girlfriend is like that with Britain, except she's not super nerdy or into comic books... and she's way hot. The point being; The Girlfriend loves her some BBC America, and despite the fact that she is one super supportive lady, I'm pretty sure a fair amount of her agreeing to watch the show I've failed to talk about thus far is that it was on the BBC.

So you've got these three twenty something roommates (flatmates)... only here's the catch, one's a vampire, one's a werewolf and one's the ghost of the late girlfriend of the landlord... Whoohoo and wackiness ensues! No, not really. The best thing about this show -and despite the fact that we recorded all the episodes, we only watched the one- the best thing about the show is the myriad questions it unearths. Questions like; "Wait, so they're roommates?" and "Ok, I get the vampire and werewolf, but does the ghost really need to rent an apartment, also, how come she's all solid like the rest of them?" and also "So, there's a ghost, and a werewolf, and a vampire? And they managed to find each other to rent a flat together?" and finally "So can you like apply online to produce a show on the BBC? Is there even an application process?"... except you have to say process funny... you know, cus it's British.

Also, it's called "Being Human" or something along those lines. Also all Brit bashing aside (I'm really just worried that The Girlfriend's going to leave me for some bloke with an accent) the show has promise. Stay tuned for further critiques.

Here's a trailer... turns out the ghost isn't all solid and crap, who'd have known?

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